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Advertising Agreement For One (1) Year

Sub-total: ${{subTotal1}}

Amount Due: ${{this.form.custom.checkout.amount_due}}
Discounts: %
Total ${{}}

Print media is in rapid decline with the global shift to digital sources for news, entertainment and local information, so digital ads are the new normal. Digital advertising can be very targeted, easily modified & updated (for example to match seasons, local events etc.), low cost, and can get awesome conversion rates.

As a business your ads. should:

  • 1. Persuade people to visit your business, use your service, or buy your products.
  • 2. Be digital!

In showcasing your business directly to the guests of local hotels your ads will persuade them to visit your business, or use your service. They are not likely to have visited the hotel simply to stay in a hotel – they want to get out & about locally. Hotel visitors trust the hotel to guide them to reputable local businesses, good quality restaurants etc.

This is where Travy comes in, and WOW does it work!

Guests download the Travy concierge app 100% free, and as they use it to explore what the local area has to offer they’ll find your ads.